
Author Profile

Pen Name: BananaShinoda

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BananaShinoda’s favorite stories


So yes, I have returned if anyone is interested to know. Started writing on Secret Love again, *on my other account* and might finish up my terrible the affair xD I reread it and oh my god ew..I'm just eh about it. But it seems like people liked it last time i wrote, so I'll start on it again xD No official date to finishing it because I have school but i'll try! I might do a oneshot to make up for my awful absence. *hides in a corner* DONT HURT ME PLEASE> I KIND OF BROKE MY ANKLE OVER THE SUMMER AND HAD A LOT GOING ON AND GAH IM SORRY


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The Affair

Category: Linkin Park

Description: With Mike and Chester always together the band begins to wonder about them being together too much. "Recording" all the time has the band puzzled. but what will happen? Will their secret relationship be discovered? M/C Slash, Drama, small comedy. :D

Genre: Love & Romance

User Rating: R

Created on 2014-08-25

Updated on 2014-11-21

Chapters: 6

Reviews: 46

Words: 5966

Views: 2195

Members Rating: (6)

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