

(Even When It's Not) About You by lpfan503

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From: Esmeralda

Date: 2020-08-09

Chapter: 16

I am sorry I never left a review for the last chapters. I think I've told you before how difficult it was for me to read post-Chester fics, I thought this one was going to be easier but when it got to the point where Mike and Rob started being intimate it became kinda painful to read.. nothing wrong with the slash, which was tasteful, hot and sexy... but it was more like linda sadness of seeing Mike doing all those things for Rob that he never did for Chester, for whatever reason. I was not ready to leave a review also during Chester's passing anniversary but now I am, so I went back to the last chapters, and it was much easier to digest now.

I was particularly surprised of how well the guys took Rob and Mike's relationship. Well is understandable at this point because right now the band is kind of on a hiatus and both Mike and Rob are single, it was the perfect moment to start a relationship. Also if they both wanted it why not go for it, they can deal with family members later, they would have to understand because at the end of the day is their lives. I totally get Mike not wanting to make the same mistakes he made with Chester. So I'm really happy it went that way.

The slash was very tasteful as I mentioned before, I was expecting them to make love like savages specially after Rob being practically obsessed with Mike for so many years, but it was not. It was slow and didn't feel desperate. I anticipated Mike bottoming for some reason, maybe because Rob is so strong, and I was not disappointed. Mike confessing his love after such a short time it was surprising but he needs to move on, so I don't blame him.

So reading the last chapter I realized how well you wrapped this up even thought it must have been difficult for you to write it. It was the perfect ending. Them moving together to a different house was the best decision they could have made. That's always part of moving on, and not just from Chester but also from Anna. I love they moved to a place near the beach and that they were able to setup a space they both could use for their music. The kids sharing moments with them was nice to see and I know they will come along and support Mike's decisions. The little moment at the end when Rob realized Mike was talking to Chester in his head was so beautiful. He will always be a part of Mike, and I'm glad Rob knows it and respects it, and that doesn't interfere with their current relationship.

I really would like to congratulate you for this amazing fic, your writing is always wonderful and I cannot wait for you to post a new fic soon. Take care of yourself and get better so you can continue delighting us with your incredible stories ❤

From: TrashFoot

Date: 2020-07-30

Chapter: 16

A fantastic end to a fantastic story! I can only imagine how Otis and the other kids are transitioning to all this change with their parents, but Rob is also right about good things taking time to come around. I’m glad you wrote this story and shared it; a post-July-20-2017 story I feel like is a hard story to write, but honestly you did a great job with it.

From: JellyfishLP

Date: 2020-07-22

Chapter: 16

This was a great last chapter. On the one hand I'm always sad when a good story comes to an end, but on the other it gives the reader closure in some way.

I liked how you wrapped up the story with the kids coming over for the holidays and that little bit about Mike telling Rob that picking the kids up from Anna went well. It seemed only natural that Otis was still skeptical about his dad's friend Rob now becoming his boyfriend, but it was good to see that he at least kind of talked to Rob. That's a good sign for the future.

Rob seeing that Mike sometimes talks to Chester in his head was a sad and happy moment at the same time. This whole story made me cry so many times throughout all the chapters, which is a compliment to you as a writer.

Well done!

From: olga_dorokhova

Date: 2020-07-21

Chapter: 16

I'm a bit sad that this story has come to an end. It made me smile very time I saw an update.)

I liked the part about waiting most of all. Rob has really been waiting for Mike so long and so patiently, and at last got his reward. And I'm glad that they are going to Portugal, it will be a closure for them both. I wish we could read about their trip, though. (Maybe a oneshot someday?)

And I'm so happy this won’t be your last Bournoda story.)

Hope you get better soon. Always looking forward to whatever you write! (and so are your Russian readers)

From: Penelope_Ink

Date: 2020-07-20

Chapter: 16

First of all, congrats on finishing this story. Even if it didn't go to the original plan, I'm proud of you for making it through. This was tough subject matter, and that's just from the reading side. From the writing side, I'm sure it was worse. And through every step, every chapter, you handled it gracefully and with impeccable taste.

So this ending. I want to point out the things I liked/appreciated the most. In no particular order.

1. Mike leaving his notebook out. I take that as a sign of trust. He's not worried about Rob seeing it/looking through it. That's a huge step in a relationship. Even people who have been married for years and years will still not want their partner to see things like that. So bravo on that. Also, I loved (LOVED) the way you described this notebook. It was perfect.

2. The mixing of traditions and Otis being the hardest sell. I like the ring of truth to that, the dose of reality. I find it endearing they're sharing their traditions so early on. And I was relieved when Mike reported that picking up the kids from Anna went well.

3. Rob's hope for the coming year for LP. It was nice to hear those thoughts.

4. The ending. That moment when they stop, when Rob recognizes that Mike's talking to Chester in his head, and he lets him have that space/time. That really hit my heart in the best way. It's so respectful and understanding, and I think it's a perfect way to end this story.

Again I say thank you for blessing LPF with this gem of a story, hard as it was to read sometimes and even when I was mad at Rob. Oh! 5. I think Rob taking Mike to see where he stayed in Portugal is a nice touch/idea. I think that could be a real healing moment, and a chance to send their bond a little deeper.

Anyway. What was I saying? Oh yeah, thank you for sticking it out and getting to the end. I didn't mind the time between chapters because they were always worth the wait. You surprised me a few times, and that always adds something to a story :) Much love, my friend.

From: Gummibear Queen

Date: 2020-07-12

Chapter: 15

everything was narrowed down to Mike and Rob, and the way their bodies were learning each other


That one line sums up perfectly this entire chapter.

Firstly, never apologise for not writing benoda! This site is LPfiction, when I set it up I had never written benoda and that pairing, although favoured by many, wasn't the purpose of the website - it's for storytelling, hense why we never applied a benoda filter.

Your story selling is amazing, nothing is rushed and letting it cheapen to being smut. The sex scenes are romantic and necessary to the plot. You wrote an expression of love and not an angsty fuck where one person needed comfort from the other.

The characters of Mike and Rob are so real and the situations you write are wonderfully descriptive and perfectly suited to them.

This is very enjoyable to read and beautifully written.

I am sorry I don't review more, especially as this is the only story I am currently reading and always get excited when I see an update.

From: olga_dorokhova

Date: 2020-07-04

Chapter: 15

Hello from the other side of the globe!) I've been reading this story from the very beginning, and I should have asked you to set up an account for me much earlier... but better late than never.

This is one of the best stories I've ever read. Each time I see an update I just can't wait to read, translate it and share it with your Russian readers. I like stories where Chester is alive. But I think we need a story like this, too. A story where the disaster actually happened and the characters learn to live through it. The drama in the first few chapters was so heartbreaking that I couldn't hold back the tears. But then I started feeling better as Mike and Rob did.

By the way, your Rob. I have already said on twitter that I'm totally in love with him) He is so loving, faithful, and thoughtful. You can feel his true love for Mike in everything he does.

I like Mike, too, although several chapters ago I was watching him with suspicion. Like, "Does he really know what he's doing?" But now I know he does. Especially when he says, “All I need is you.”... my heart melted.

As you already know I find Bournoda very hot, and the slash in this chapter is definitely VERY HOT. And tender. And full of love. Especially the bit about lacing their fingers together. I'm not sure why it's my favourite but it is. And translating the chapter was very exciting) Sometimes it seemed to me that I need a cold shower or something!

I know there's not much story left, and I know I will miss it. It really helped me to get through some tough times. I'm very grateful for that.

From: TrashFoot

Date: 2020-07-04

Chapter: 15

I agree with JellyfishLP, it could be so easy to write their first time as fast and desperate and smutty, but the fact that it was slow and loving was not only a great job on your part, but it also seemed true to Rob’s character in the story. There was a bit that I loved: “It was mesmerizing, and Rob couldn’t look away. “You're like a dream." "You're like waking up from a dream," Mike whispered...” It was just so cute! I loved it! So well done, as usual!

From: JellyfishLP

Date: 2020-07-01

Chapter: 15

Such a good chapter!

I liked that their first time wasn't hard and smutty but actually about love and going slow at first. It was (unsurprisingly) very well written. The first part with Rob sitting on the bed and thinking about all of this, holding the condom in his hand was great. It was a good way to start the chapter.

thanks for updating!

From: Penelope_Ink

Date: 2020-06-30

Chapter: 15

I think my favorite moment was the opening. The image of Rob sitting there debating, with the condom in his hand. It's a big move. A massive step, so it should be met with consideration. I'm glad that's how you chose to go with this. I think I would be nervous, too. Knowing what's going to happen, as opposed to the other night when it was impulse/not the plan. This was different. This was knowing what he was walking into, and needing a moment to be prepared. Mentally. Emotionally. And despite how much it hurts, I am appreciative of Rob being mindful of Mike's feelings/past with Chester, and how this needed to NOT be about that. NOT about HIM. But about THEM.

The other thing I really liked was Rob's...acknowledgement that he needed to be careful. That he could have easily hurt Mike, who is much smaller than he is. He's thinking about the other person, beyond desire, and that's heartwarming. The distinction between ripping each other's clothes off and making love, and how for now, it's all love. I really liked that. And I think Mike needed that. He could have gotten wild animal sex from anyone. Love is something else.

My only real questions at this point are A) Is Rob moving into the master bedroom? and B) Are they going to buy new bed sheets? Because they need to.

Not sure why you were so worried about this chapter. It showed the layers in the slash, and that always makes it more satisfying.

From: TrashFoot

Date: 2020-06-22

Chapter: 14

Super late with this review, but it’s not what I gues I was expecting out of this chapter. It was a sweet little chapter though! I guess I wasn’t expecting Rob to up and leave in the morning and I could understand Mike’s not wanting him to, but I’m glad Rob at least told him he was leaving and made sure to tell him where he was. I can also understand his reasoning; even I didn’t notice Rob’s prioritization of his own mental health slip down the list until this chapter. Sure, taking care of Mike’s mental health is important, but Rob could only help him up for so long before needing to get back in touch with himself.

From: JellyfishLP

Date: 2020-06-17

Chapter: 14

Another very good chapter!

It’s not really surprising, but apparently, Rob needs a lot of alone time to sort out his thoughts and feelings, which I don’t blame him for. Alone time is important in a relationship; you can’t be together 24/7. If surfing and being alone helps him think, he should have every right to ‘disappear’ once in a while.

Like Penelope, I would have liked to see the other guys’ reactions, but the way you described it worked well, too. I love your writing in every story, by the way :) Now they ‘just’ need to tell the kids and see what happens. I can’t wait to see how that’ll go!

Another thing I can’t wait to see is Rob and Mike finally have sex, obviously. I’m sure it will be as well-written as the rest of this story, however you decide to describe it.

Please update soon!

From: Tanyasantos

Date: 2020-06-16

Chapter: 14

Wow.... This is/was an enlightening chapter...... I know you're a bennoda lover, as am I, but damn..... Amazing as usual..... Can't wait for the next chapter!

From: Penelope_Ink

Date: 2020-06-15

Chapter: 14

Look at Rob running away. Again. No, lol I'm just kidding. I had to say it XD But he did kind of run away. But I get it. It's not like he lives at Mike's. It's good he's thinking about all the ifs, whats, hows, and whatnots and taking all of that seriously. It's good he recognizes what their night together meant, and how cruel it would be to take it all back. I'm glad he's wanting a real relationship, and not just something physical because he's attracted to Mike.

I'm bummed we didn't get to actually see the band meeting and hear the guys' questions. I'm going to admit something, and don't take this personally. It has nothing to do with your writing, it's just the nature of the story. But. My Chester-loving heart is jealous. It seems unfair (and I know you're going to say that it's because Chester was the hold up, but still) that Mike is doing all this for/with Rob, but he never did it with Chester. Telling the guys. Telling Anna. Rob (more than likely) moving in. Creating a whole life together. And in such a short amount of time. M/C were having their affair for years. Rob and Mike have been "together" for days, and look at all the things they already have.

Excuse me while I cry in the corner.

Sorry. It's been an emotional day.

Anyway. I really like the ending. The last few paragraphs of them holding each other. It's very well-written. I tip my hat to you. I'm curious if there will be a Brad/Rob meeting/phone call in the near future, or if it's just all roses and sunshine for them going forward.

I'm guessing their first real time is coming next, but maybe not. First times are always so awkward. I do want to see how the kids react. I find it hard to imagine they would take it well. I would think it would feel like a betrayal to them. Not only is dad and mom not together anymore, but uncle Rob is sleeping in mom's place. You know? I would think it would be very hard, worse by the fact that it's someone they know. A stranger is someone new. Someone they've known all their lives makes Rob seem shady. From the kids' pov. Not mine. Just saying.

Now I'm rambling.

I enjoyed the chapter, and much like last time, it's left me more curious than anything.

From: Esmeralda

Date: 2020-06-09

Chapter: 13

I'm sorry I've been kinda absent with my reviews, but I'm trying to catch up with this amazing fic. I feel like the prior chapter was really powerful in terms of Rob putting things in perspective with Mike. The conversation they had was really necessary before they can move forward with anything. I am also glad he talked to Brad, and even though Brad could be annoying and negative sometimes... I still think everybody needs a friend like Brad, that will call things for what they are, no sugarcoating.

I loved reading Rob's thoughts about Mike when they were younger and he had that hopeless crush, those days when the band first started and he decided to follow Mike with whatever crazy dream he had. I just can imagine how crushed Rob felt when he noticed Mike was attracted to Chester and when he knew about their affair. Not fair how you could be carrying a torch for someone for such a long time and then someone else comes out of nowhere and steals it from under your nose. But... Mike was never Rob's, he was Anna's.

This is complicated! So is good to see Rob is starting to realize his main concerns should be Mike's family and not Chester. But I can definitely understand why Rob was more concerned about Chester's memory in the first place. Mike is too enigmatic with anything Chester related, he had talked to Rob a lot about him but I feel we still don't know exactly what happened between them. Mike is feeling much better now, but I think Mike felt extremely guilty in regards to Chester, like he could have done something but didn't do it.

I think Rob forgot to ask Mike who else knew about the old affair, as he thought he would do, this is important and Rob should know. Another thing before I forget, I was really surprised Mike talked to Anna about Rob. I would have been happy to read that conversation. So this is a lot of progress... and the fact that Mike and him already started having intimacy, that was fast but I knew it was coming, so I'm not shocked. And this “I’m definitely not a prize. I’m moody, I’m a control freak, and I’ll never understand how anyone can share a bed with me.” This made me laugh! C'mon Mike don't say that! You are adorable. And I truly understand how Rob can feel like he is in the clouds, like this is a dream come true. I hope they can keep it up and defeat all the odds. I cannot wait for the band meeting.

From: JellyfishLP

Date: 2020-06-09

Chapter: 13

Firstly, I totally agree with Penelope's review.

Secondly, I have to say that this was a very good chapter, and I loved how well written the scene in bed was. It did come a little surprising and earlier than expected, because I was sure they'd wait until they had told the guys, but I'm not complaining ;)

Something else that I need to talk about is the whole Mike/Anna fiasco, and how Rob now is a part of it. Anna has every right to be mad at Mike, and I think he is doing everything he can to avoid dealing with her and the kids (which I am angry at him for, you don't just ignore your kids like that). he wants to be with Rob now, is most likely still thinking and grieving about Chester, and doesn't take much time to think about his actual family. When the divorce is finished and Mike and Anna proabably share custody, Rob will be a part-time dad to the kids, too. Have either Mike or Rob thought about that yet?

Anyway, please update soon :)

From: TrashFoot

Date: 2020-06-05

Chapter: 13

Like Penelope Ink, I kind of wonder too if Mike knows even almost as much about Rob as Rob knows about him. Over all the time all of the guys have been together, I’d like to think Mike at least knows some stuff, like little things, like how all of his friends take their coffee/tea, etc. Or maybe Mike was just too caught up with Chester to notice everything?

This was another wonderful chapter, because for some reason I just... didn’t expect Mike and Rob to finally hit that level of intimacy. It was good though! I’m glad Rob is starting to feel some sort of maturity here, with Mike’s talking with Anna. As much as I want here to be okay with everything by now as well, I also get Mike’s way of thinking about owing her and even Rob’s feelings of coming second to Chester in Mike’s life. It’s not an easy situation for any of them, no matter how much I like the idea of people getting over things and everyone’s happy and getting along, lol. Anna has the right to be feeling the way she does, as do Rob and Mike. I wonder how the rest of LP will take the news; I’m sure Mike’s right about Brad being a tough sell, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Joe and Phi had some opinions to let out.

From: Penelope_Ink

Date: 2020-06-04

Chapter: 13

I've never had vegetarian chilli before. But dang, this chapter made me want to try it. Okay, not really. This chapter made me just want chilli, vegetarian or not.

I think it's nice that Rob knows all these little things about Mike. How he takes his food, and his coffee and yada, yada, yada. And I know that relates back to him being this ....watcher all these years. He's been in love with Mike for 20 years. Obsessing. And it shows. It's like Mike is suddenly dating his stalker. Mike doesn't seem to notice, and I'm curious if Mike knows anything about Rob in return or if that's very one sided in the scheme of things.

I'll admit it's really hard to read any story that's post Chester. And this one is no exception. Much like the characters in the story, I paused when Mike said the words, "since Chester died" .....it just made my heart crack. I know it's probably a sign of denial, but I try not to think of RL Chester as being gone. I know he is, but in my head he's still present. So things like that conversation in the kitchen are super hard. But, having said that, I think it's really important to the story that they do talk about Anna and the kids. Mike seems to take his kids not being there very casually. I wonder why? Maybe because they're one more thing to deal with? And I don't mean that in a harsh way. I mean, more people he's going to have to explain things to. And I think Anna has every right to be pissed/think Mike owes her. He does. They were partners for 20 years. She stood by him and raised their kids (and look, she's still raising their kids). That can't count for nothing.

Everything in the bedroom, I was shocked. I figured the physical side of things would eventually happen, I just wasn't expecting it until after the guys found out. But Brad knows, so it's really only Joe and Phoenix. I wonder if ppl will be shocked to know that Brad knows? Like, how could you not tell us??? lol

Mike feels desperate in the bedroom, but then again it has been like a year. I suspect now that they've started down this road, all the stops will be gone. Sexually, that is. It's like opening the floodgates.

This chapter was hard, but I enjoyed it just the same. It was good to get an update on Anna and the kids. Mike said Chester was the reason the two of them never came out together. I'd love to know more about that, and how Mike feels about that, but I know we won't, since it's Rob's story. (grrr). All the stuff I want to know isn't about Rob lol that's my Bennoda heart wanting more attention.

Good job on the hard subjects. You always manage to handle it tastefully with delicate touches.

From: JellyfishLP

Date: 2020-05-28

Chapter: 12

This was a really good chapter, probably my favorite so far. I agree with the other reviewers, it’s good that Rob took the wheel and made the decisions. He’s right – he waited twenty years for this, he can wait a little longer now and have it all on his terms, meaning that he and Mike talk first. Yes, talking about Chester was important, but talking about Anna, the kids and the divorce is almost just as important, and Mike can’t just jump in bed with Rob with no responsibilities. (And when the time has come and they do sleep together for the first time, I know it will be incredibly well written and I’m already looking forward to it…just please let Rob take control of that, too?)

I was very glad about Brad accepting it and not really being surprised/shocked by what Rob told him on the phone. I can’t wait to find out what the others think about all these new developments. Please update soon :)

From: Penelope_Ink

Date: 2020-05-25

Chapter: 12

I agree with TrashFoot. Like it or not, Rob's in the driver's seat, and I'm so happy he's taking all aspects of the situation into account. At least he is now. After he talked to Brad. I find it so interesting that Anna, the kids, Mike's divorce, never really came to mind until Brad pointed it out. Rob's whole focus was Mike getting over Chester's passing and the loss of their relationship, not Mike's current wife/children. Those are all important things. I also think it was good for Brad to point out the thing about the kids. Is Rob ready for that? Not just A kid. But KIDS. And (and I know you're going to say this is Rob's story and not Mike's so this won't be answered) but he kept Chester a secret. Why? Why keep Chester a secret but he's okay with Rob being public? Maybe because the news of him and Chester is already out there? I don't know. This whole chapter was packed full of emotions. And I really get where Mike is coming from, just wanting to say screw it, and do something fun. But Rob is right here. That wouldn't have lasted and Mike probably would have been bitter about it, especially when it stopped being fun. And Rob...I'd be worried I was a rebound. Not just from Chester, but from Anna. As Bradford pointed out. The ink isn't even dry on the divorce papers yet. If there's divorce papers at all (are there?).

So A) I'm glad they waited. B) I'm glad Rob stood up to Mike. Especially with that whole bit about always following Mike's dreams and doing what Mike wanted for twenty years, so to juxtapose that next to Rob saying no, that's not how things are going to go with us, was really brilliant. C) I'm intrigued that Chester was the whole focus of that tour, not a word was discussed about kids/wives/living situations/roles moving forward or anything to do with them being a couple. And then I think...well yeah...because of Chester. *sigh* D) I'm very, very curious to see what the other guys are going to say to all this. Brad isn't shocked. Obviously. But do the others have an inclination about any of this? I can see some stormy weather there. And I hope - I really hope - they don't come at it with kid gloves because they feel they can't be honest with Mike because of what happened to Chester. You know? I think that would really be a disservice to Mike. Not that he needs their permission! But yeah. If Mike and Rob become a real, everyone knows couple, it is going to impact the guys. And Ed and Jim and whoever else that's in that working/public relationship.

Okay. Sorry for my rant. I really liked this chapter :) I'm ready for the next.

Reviews 1 to 20 of 90