
Category Linkin Park

Proving It by Death_by_Yaoi


Disclaimer: Don't own, never happened.

A/N: Here's hoping you guys enjoy this one. It's dedicated to someone I know in real life this time, actually. Thanks, D, for wearing your sweat pants so sinfully low as to give me ideas. Anyways, read on, M/C lovers!

As I recall, it all started with a debate about which of us is the sexiest. Which is really a gigantic waste of time, if you think about it, because the answer is perfectly obvious. Which member of Linkin Park practically oozes sex with every movement of his graceful body, every glance from his dark, soulful eyes, every word from his gorgeous mouth? Hmmm. I wonder.

Nevertheless, it seemed like an important decision at the time, which should perhaps serve as an indication of how drunk and bored we were. It was late on a Friday night, and none of us wanted to go to bed, but we couldn’t agree on anything to actually do either. So we had unanimously elected to sprawl across Chester’s living room until one of us came up with a worthwhile idea.

As usual, it was Joe who sparked the conversation. He’s always had a tendency to get rather chatty after a few drinks, and this time was no exception. He was hurling out suggestions as to how we could spend the rest of the night almost faster than the rest of us could reject them.

“Hey! We could rob a convenience store! I’ve always wanted to do that!”

Dave rolled his eyes. “Sure thing, Joe. Then when we get arrested and the lawyer asks why we did it, you can tell him that we just wanted to have some fun. That’ll go over well.”

“Okay, okay, maybe not. But we could go to the zoo!”

“It’s closed, dude,” Brad pointed out. “And I don’t care what you say, I’m not breaking in to anything. I’m not meant for a life of crime.”

“Well then, we could all go jump off a big bridge! Naked!”

I snorted. “I’m not that drunk, Hahn. Pick something less hazardous.”

Joe considered for a moment, then announced triumphantly, “We could play Spin the Bottle!”

A general groan arose, and Chester tossed one of his shoes at our DJ. “He said less hazardous!”

“But I really want a kiss!” Joe frowned thoughtfully, then dipped his head back to peer at Rob, who was slumped on the couch beside him. “Rob, will you give me a kiss?”

“Hell no. Get off me.”

Joe pouted, but did as he was told, grumbling, “You’re no fun.” Then his face brightened as a sudden thought struck him. “You guys know what would be cool? If I could kiss myself. Cause I’m the sexiest person I know, anyway.”

“Not true.” Brad spoke up from his position on the floor. “You know me.”

Joe snickered. “Oh, dude, hate it to break it to you, but I am so much sexier.”


“Yes huh.”


“Yes huh.”

“Are not.”

“Are too.”



“You are so--”

“Guys!” Phoenix cried in exasperation, interrupting whatever Brad was going to say next. “Stop it right now! You sound like children! This is one of the stupidest arguments I’ve ever heard, and both of you should be ashamed for subjecting the rest of us to it!”

“But I--”

“No buts! Just drop it! Right now!”

Abashed, Joe hung his head. “Sorry, Phe.”

“Yeah, sorry,” Brad echoed, looking contrite.

“Good.” Phoenix sat back in his chair, sighing, and there was a slight pause.

“Besides, everyone knows I’m way sexier than either of you.”

Hey!” The cry rose simultaneously from two throats.

Leaning back in a comfortable recliner, watching the heated exchange now taking place between Brad, Phe, Joe, and even Rob, and feeling just the slightest bit tipsy, I had to laugh. I caught Chester’s eye from across the room and shrugged helplessly, mouthing, “Should we even bother?”

He grinned back, making my stomach turn over. I’d gotten used to that; it’d been happening since I first laid eyes on him. However, the wink that he followed it up with had absolutely devastating effects on my equilibrium, and his next words, spoken loudly so they could be heard over our bandmates’ bickering, both shocked and electrified me.

“Well, I think Mike’s the sexiest.”

What?” The fighting immediately stopped and four heads swiveled in unison to face Chester, who was looking extremely nonchalant.

Yeah, what?

“You heard me. Just look at him! I mean, he’s got the perfectly tanned skin and the dark, expressive eyes and that amazing smile and, if I may say so, a hell of a body.” He eyed me appreciatively, and I felt myself blush, wondering what in the hell he was up to. “Mmm-mmm. Mike Shinoda is one sexy son-of-a-bitch.”

All of the heads whirled to face me, and eight eyes scanned me carefully. I wasn’t paying much attention to the rest of the guys, though, because through my daze of confused elation, I could make out Chester mouthing something. What was it? I squinted at him, trying to force my brain to focus on something other than the fact that he’d just called me sexy. He was saying.....hmmm.....oh.

He was saying, “Play along.”

I felt my heart drop out of my throat, where it had been beating, and sink down far past its proper place. Chester wasn’t serious about any of the things he had said. He didn’t really think I had perfect skin or a great body. Of course he didn’t. He was only joking around.

He was always only joking around.

“Well, I, for one, don’t think Mike is the sexiest,” Joe decided finally, his petulant voice breaking through my fog of disappointment.

Behind them, Chester winked at me again and made little “go ahead” motions with his hands.

“I agree,” I forced myself to say quickly. “It’s definitely Chester.”

I stole another glance at him over Brad’s head and found him beaming at me.

Play along.

Only I wasn’t playing.

Chester!” Rob exclaimed, looking back and forth between the two of us. “You can’t be serious!”

I raised an eyebrow, puzzled at this outburst. “And why can’t I be?”

“Yeah, why can’t he be?” Chester echoed, smile suddenly gone. He fixed Rob with a piercing gaze.

Rob squirmed a little and began studying the carpet as if it were the most interesting design he’d ever seen instead of just plain cream Berber. “Well.....um.....what I mean to say is--”


“What he means is, it’s nothing personal, but Chaz really isn’t that sexy,” Joe interrupted candidly.

I felt my mouth fall open. What in the hell were these guys on? Surely they weren’t drunk enough to find Chester unattractive? Usually it worked just the opposite way: the more smashed you got, the more beautiful everyone seemed.

“Hey!” Ches objected, looking hurt.

“Yeah, what are you talking about?” I demanded, rushing to his aid before I could stop myself. “How can you say he’s not sexy? He’s fucking gorgeous.”

Then I bit my lip as I realized what I’d just blurted out. Shit. Wouldn’t I ever learn when to shut up?

Our eyes met again across the room, his full of surprise and gratitude and something else that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but before either of us could say anything, Phoenix jumped in.

“We’re not trying to say that he’s ugly. But sexy is more of an attitude. Sexy is strength and power and confidence.”

“Chester’s.....endearingly cute,” Brad added. “But he’s too goofy to be truly sexy.”

I stared at them all in utter disbelief. Okay, yeah, maybe Chester could be a little....bumbling at times, but he also had strength and power and confidence. He had them in spades. The man positively reeked of sexiness. So obviously the only logical explanation here was that my bandmates had all lost their minds.

“Too goofy, huh?” He leaped to his feet, swayed a moment before gaining his balance, and glared belligerently at everyone but me.

Uh oh. I’d seen that look in his eyes before. He felt he’d been issued a challenge, a dare. And Chester had never turned down a dare in his life.

Apparently, the other guys sensed that they’d gone too far; they were all fidgeting and refusing to look at him. “But we didn’t mean--” Joe began, only to be cut off by an angry slashing gesture.

“No, no, I can see that I’ll have to show to you. Very well. Hold on just a second.” And with that he spun on his heel, still wobbling a bit, and marched off down the hall.

There was an uneasy silence for a moment, which was broken by Phe groaning. “Great. Now he thinks he has to prove something.”

“Well, it’s your own damn fault,” I snapped, surprising myself with my vehemence. “I can’t believe you guys said that stuff to him.”

“But it’s true!” Brad protested defensively.

“It’s bullshit.”

“Gee, Mike,” Rob drawled, shooting me a keen look. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you had a thing for our little Chazzy.”

I blushed again and clamped my lips together tightly, speaking through gritted teeth. “I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate me. Besides, I’m just outraged for his sake.”

They all remained silent, eyeing me speculatively.

“What? I am! You guys basically said that, in terms of relative attractiveness, he’s on par with Jabba the Hut!”

Joe had the nerve to laugh. “We said that he’s cute, Mike. I don’t know where you got the whole big slug-creature idea from, but it wasn’t us.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but the words suddenly died in my throat. Not because of the smug grins on my friends’ faces or the knowing gleams in their eyes. Not because I realized that Joe had a point. Not even because I recognized the fact that this was, as Brad had earlier pointed out, a dumb thing to argue over. No, the reason for my abrupt speechlessness was that I looked up and saw Chester standing in the doorway. And if I’d thought he looked incredible before (which I most assuredly had), it was nothing to his appearance now.

The first thing I noticed was the leather pants. I hadn’t known Chester even owned a pair of leather pants, but apparently he did, because he was wearing them now. Black ones that looked as soft as butter, clung to him like a second skin, and rode low enough on his hips to make my head swim. My eyes traveled up slowly to take in his bare chest, pale skin contrasting with vivid tattoos, and his determined face, eyes flashing dangerously. A simple black collar completed the look and gave him an edge of something.....well, for lack of a better word, something feral, something that suggested screaming hot sex and mind-blowing orgasms for as long as you could possibly stand them.

Needless to say, I was hard before he even fully emerged from the hall. And he didn’t simplify matters by immediately prowling across the room and straddling my lap.

I think I may have actually squeaked at that point, but I can’t be sure because I was too busy panicking.

“Chester! What are you doing?” I hissed, trying desperately to seem as if I wasn’t completely ready to engage in catastrophic amounts of PDA with him right then and there.

He grinned at me impishly. “You’re the only one who thinks I’m sexy, Mike. Help me convince the rest of them, yeah?”


“Oh,” he whispered, leaning even closer, “Just do whatever comes......naturally.”

My eyes slid shut of their own volition as he began sucking gently on my lower lip, and I felt my entire body turn liquid. My one remaining brain cell was shouting urgently at me, something about how the rest of the guys were still in the room and Chester was only trying to make a point, but then his hands dipped under the hem of my T-shirt and the voice went blissfully quiet. The entire world contracted until nothing mattered but his hot, hungry mouth opening against mine and those curious hands roving over my chest and stomach and the fire raging just under my skin. Like I was being consumed, like I was burning from the inside out, and I couldn’t get enough.

I could never get enough.

He pulled away far too soon, completely out of breath, and I immediately arched underneath him, missing the contact. Aching for it.


And on some alternate plane of reality where I wasn’t too hard to give a fuck, I was appalled that not only was my voice more broken and needy than I’d ever heard it before in my life, but I was also begging.

“Tell them, Mike,” he panted, and his skilled fingers found one of my nipples and twisted, just a bit. “Tell them how sexy I am.”

I shuddered and gasped. “You’re--oh, God--you’re so fuckin’ sexy, Ches.”

“And how do I make you feel?” Fingers turning a little bolder, a little rougher.

“Hot. Just.....really hot.” I wanted to add another please in there and to hell with dignity, but it was becoming hard to speak without moaning.

Hands dropping down to my waist, the button on my jeans slipping out of its hole easily. “And what do you want more than anything in the world right now?”

I finally managed to pry my eyes open and look straight up into his. They were full of the something else that I hadn’t been able to identify earlier, and now I knew why. Because it was the one emotion I never expected, the one I’d barely dared to dream of. It was love. And in one breathless, silent second that was so full of noise it hurt my ears, wanton desire gave way to the truth.


I whispered the word, feeling my walls collapse and the earth shift under me. Not just his body, sexy as it was. Not any one part of him, but Chester in his entirety. His good and his bad and his mediocre. Everything. I wanted it all.

“Damn, and I was sure he was going to choose a pony.”

My eyes widened and I could feel my body tense up. Shit. The other guys. I’d completely forgotten they were in the room.

“Joe, he had Chester’s hands almost down his pants. You didn’t seriously think he was going to want a horse, did you?” Phoenix sounded half amused, half awed.

“Well, you never know. Besides, I thought we decided that Chester isn’t sexy?”

“We’ve changed our minds,” Brad said hastily. “Significantly. Because I’m about as straight as a guy can get, and that was still unbelievably hot.”

“Yeah,” Rob agreed. “Chester wins the prize for sexiest.”

“I already told you, that’s Mike. And why are you all still here?”

I risked a glance back up at the man still straddling my hips and found him glaring over his shoulder, scowling fiercely.

“Free porn?” Joe suggested.

“You cheeky bastard. Get out.” Chester tried to sound stern, but there was laughter in his voice. “Mike and I have urgent business to discuss.”

“Yeah, and those tight pants let us know just how urgent,” Brad cracked. “Nice penis you got there, dude.”


They obeyed, still chuckling and cracking jokes to each other, and Chester turned back to me before they’d even fully exited the room.

“Now. Other than the fact that you were being criminally hot and confessing your love for me, where were we?”

I laughed at his mischievous expression. “You were putting your hand down my pants, I do believe.”

“Of course. How could I have forgotten?”

His fingers grazed my collarbone and trailed downward slowly, and I allowed my eyes to fall closed again. The last thing I heard before I became completely immersed in the waves of pleasure washing over me was the sound of the door opening and our friends leaving the house. Their boisterous voices drifted back to me from the foyer, and I didn’t bother trying to hide a smile as I heard Joe announce loudly, “I still want a kiss. Maybe more now. Rob, will you kiss me?”

“You’ve already asked me that, Joe.”

“I know, but second time’s the charm, right?”

“The saying is, ‘Third time’s the charm.’”

“Oh. Okay. Rob, will you kiss me?”

A slight laugh, then Rob’s voice again, sounding oddly affectionate. “Sure, Joe. I’ll kiss you.”

The End. Yes, that's all you get. I'm not good enough to write sex scenes yet. Sorry. :(

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